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Read what locals are saying about Kari, below:

My name is Adrian Kilpatrick. I was born in San Juan Island and I am a recent county council candidate, member of the Climate and Sustainability Advisory Committee and am a member of the Friday Harbor Arts Commission. I hereby endorse Kari McVeigh for a seat on the county council in the upcoming November election. After lengthy conversations with Kari in person, I believe that our interests are aligned when speaking about our vision for the future of the San Juan islands.
I initially put in my bid to run for the district 1 county council seat because I felt like the working class in this county were highly underrepresented, which has led to a lack of affordable housing, lack of rentals, and an overall increase of living expenses, making this island inaccessible for many of the people who wish to live here full time. I also felt that the extreme division we are seeing in America as a whole, was beginning to take root here in the San Juan’s, ultimately driving us away from a space where we have the ability to work together in finding shared common interests.
My feeling was that the islands need someone who can bridge this gap of division and also provide meaningful support to the underrepresented groups that reside here. I think that Kari’s experience in administrative positions has given her the tools to help coordinate effective and lasting changes that will positively impact current and future generations of islanders. She has shown overall empathy to the struggles of low/middle income people living here and provides thoughtful solutions on how to get these islands back to a place where people from every walk of life are able to thrive and find success. I hope you consider voting for Kari McVeigh in November to assure the success of current and future generations of island residents.
— Adrian Kilpatrick
Former Candidate for County Council

Kari McVeigh has the management skills and experience needed to transform our county government, respond to the many voices that need to be heard, and arrive at solutions that are fair and equitable. I am confident in her ability to guide our community in finding solutions to complex local problems, and to support and sustain our island way of life and the natural beauty that surrounds us. — Sara Hiebert Burch

AFSCME Local 1849, San Juan County Employees union, have endorsed Kari for County Council, District 1. Sources inform us that the vote was unanimous. "The membership expressed appreciation for her approach to leadership and management, as well as her experience in public administration, and we feel that she would be the best candidate to address the challenges that the County is currently facing. " The full text of their press release is at this link. — San Juan County Employees Union, AFSCME Local 1849

The following letter was published in the San Juan Islander.

Dear Editor,

I am excited by Kari McVeigh running for county council. When I first heard her speak I was floored, first by her sheer energy, then by her vision for this county, and then by her decades of relevant work experience. We have here a woman who tried retiring but who can't sit still knowing there is important work to be done and she has the skills to do it.

Kari is committed to transparency, teamwork, and finding a healthy balance between meeting the needs of the current residents while keeping in mind the needs and rights of the environment and future generations.

Go to her website,, and check out the list of folks who’ve endorsed Kari, including local and state elected officials. Then cast your vote for Kari this fall.

— Liza Michaelson

Kari McVeigh embraces the commitment and values we all appreciate in our Lopez Island community. — Kurt Fuller

Kari has the experience, the skills, and the vision to move our county out of this current 'stuck' position. She fully understands the economic and environmental concerns of full-time island living and already has proposals to balance these needs. I wholeheartedly endorse Kari McVeigh! — Stephanie Prima

The perfect choice. Lucky to have her! — Ron Metcalf

Our county will benefit from the compassionate and proven leadership of Kari McVeigh as County Council Member. Meeting in person, I was moved by Kari's ease and her attention to those around her. Listening to the CNL2 interview (available in the Position Statements section) her fluency with regard to issues in our county, along with her respect for transparency and community building only deepened my enthusiasm for her campaign. — Kai Sanburn

Kari is the right person for the job. She listens and genuinely cares. She has experience working with our community and will work hard to communicate with other departments. She understands the importance of this position to strengthen our community. — Jennifer Peter

I watched in full the League of Women Voter's Candidate Forum and Minnie Kynch's group Candidate Forum. As questions were answered it became evident that Kari McVeigh is the best candidate for County Council. — Sally and Tim Thomsen

Kari has the knowledge and experience that the county council needs, including the ability to bring people together. We are so fortunate that she keeps flunking retirement and looking for new opportunities to contribute to our community. — Susan Grout

It was posted in a July 3rd. publication "...that 5 of the 6 candidates...are vying for..."a position on the Council [that] have "...never experienced the 24/7 demands, nagging issues...being 'answerable' for steeply rising costs of living and to increasingly embittered public factions." The above description surely sounds like a school district to me whether it be large or small. To effectively deal with myriad issues that face the students, the parents, the faculty, the unions and the taxpayers takes someone of great patience, intellect, sympathy, experience and a clear vision for the district. This sums up my opinion of Kari. If she can work effectively as the superintendent of school districts, then she has the "street cred" to be a member of our County Council. My latest opportunity to work with Kari was the occasion of her being a facilitator in an intense retreat for an organization redefining its role and mission in our community, and the directions we needed to take in order to see this satisfactorily completed. Kari was impressive with her calm and inclusive leadership, being able to articulate what we all were sharing, asking us probing questions and helping us reach the conclusions we sought. If all that Kari has done whether here on island or off doesn't sound like the responsibilities of a County Council position, I don't know what it would be. Our County faces issues many of which are knotty requiring thoughtful and strong abilities. I have every confidence that Kari is just the right person for us. Please join me in voting for Kari for County Council. — Gay Graham
community volunteer

Kari's vast experience speaks for itself. She is the perfect candidate for our County Council. — Liz and Doug Rowan

I enthusiastically support Kari McVeigh for the San Juan County Council! — Janet Alderton

I heartily endorse Kari McVeigh for County Council. She is an experienced public servant, dedicated to the common good. She knows how to work with constituents, stakeholders, and numerous other interests in making government accountable, transparent, and efficient. Go Kari!! — Rebecca Moore

Kari does her homework. She will be informed, prepared and will bring her knowledge and experience to her position on the council. We are lucky she is willing to serve in this important role in our county. — Barbara Rosenkotter

Kari has the strong leadership skills and extensive experience in public service that will make her an excellent member of our San Juan County Council. — Judy Scott

The issues we face are becoming more and more challenging. We need the skill, competence and compassion demonstrated by Kari's great background of experience. Howie Rosenfeld, former County Councilmember — Howie Rosenfeld

Kari's superb professional experience combined with an interest in listening to constituents and working together to find solutions will be extremely important in Council. — Peggy Bill

"Individuals who have engaged at the local, tribal, and state levels in policy, regulatory and fiscal decisions bring immense value to the a lawmaking table. Your experience as a School Superintendent provides a strong foundation for informed and effective decision-making. Your voice, along with the diverse experiences that others bring to the table, will be highly valued.  This kind of diverse knowledge and representation is essential for bringing people together and fostering collaborative solutions."

— Debra Lekanoff
Washington State Representative, 40th House District

I will be voting for Kari. She has the experience we need. She understands the issues that are important to San Juan county. She has the right attitude and personality that suits the job. — Lynne Barnes

As a resident of San Juan Island for 23 years, I have raised 2 children, worked in various roles in healthcare, and volunteered in areas such as Girl Scouts & 4-H. I have seen many leaders of different types and Kari is one who not only has a passion for what she does, she is a leader who understands how to work with managers, employees, unions, and budgets. Kari leads by example and I am excited to place my trust in her this fall.  — Emily Mason
Local Practicing Nurse

I’m endorsing Kari because of her commitment to our communities in San Juan County. Her work in education across her career underscores her desire to be a benefit to the community she lives in. — Bruce Martin

I was very happy when Kari told me she was running for county council. With Kari’s experience and communication skills, she will be an amazing addition to the council. — Sheila Martin

Kari is an amazing superintendent at Shaw School. She is a clear communicator, accountable, efficient, experienced, fiscally responsible, a creative problem solver, and best of all--a doer! She is implementing visions in our district that have been talked about for decades. I will be sad to see her go from our school district, but know that she has important work to do for our county! Kari has my vote! — Amber Borner

A wealth of experience that understands what it takes to work with community members and make informed decisions that benefit the majority of the population. I feel Keri will be a great leader for our Community. — Tyler Cornell

I was so pleased to see someone with actual administrative and leadership job experience step up to running for County Council. Kari McVeigh will bring clearer thinking to addressing and solving the many issues San Juan County is facing. And her values, doing more to provide affordable housing, protecting environmental quality, supporting the Conservation Land bank among many others, are aligned with mine. Thanks for being willing to serve Kari McVeigh! — Amanda Azous

San Juan County is very fortunate to have a person of Kari's character, experience, skills and commitment to community willing to run for public office. I'm pleased to endorse her candidacy. Pati Otley — Pati Otley

Kari McVeigh's varied and extensive experience working with diverse groups, institutions and organizations has demonstrated positive results. As a Lopez Island small business owner and community volunteer, I believe she can make a real difference in San Juan County. — Nancy Greene

Shaw Island has been so fortunate to have Kari as the superintendent of the Shaw School District. Kari is thoughtful, collaborative, passionate and an excellent communicator. She has the true gift of bringing people together and making people feel heard. I am thrilled at the idea that our whole county could benefit from her wonderful talents. Go Kari!! — JENNIFER SWANSON

What luck that we live here in San Juan County! And now, added to our luck, is that Kari appreciates this too and she is thoroughly qualified and willing to do the nuts-and-bolts work (knowing full well what that work is) to help our community and local government grow professionally. This is SUCH good news. We have the abilities we need, but we need the organizing catalyst she can be...IF we vote for her. Thank you Kari! — Jon Howe

I enthusiastically endorse Kari McVeigh for County Council. I had the opportunity to work with Kari as part of a volunteer committee in choosing the current San Juan Island School District Superintendent. I was impressed with Kari’s facilitation skills and how adeptly she guided discussion and encouraged committee members to voice their opinions. Kari’s proven track record of fiscal responsibility and community engagement make her the ideal choice to lead our county forward! — Tanja Williamson

I am pleased to support Kari McVeigh for the San Juan County Council. Kari’s leadership and listening skills are important qualities that are needed to effectively manage the county. Her ability to make informed decisions on important topics from affordable housing to ferries to budgets are based on a systematic approach of understanding the issue thoroughly, inclusive communication with key stakeholders and prioritizing the values of the entire community. I hope you will join me for voting for Kari Mc Veigh to lead our county. — Anna Maria de Freitas
Town of Friday Harbor Business Owner

Thank you for your willingness to serve our community in this way! — Erin Halcomb

I just wanted to say I was both excited and relieved when I saw that Kari was interested in being a council member. Someone I could get behind — Jane Burton-Bell

Kari brings a proven track record and the best organizational leadership experience that I've seen. — Bill Watson
Former SJC Council Member

I’m still getting to know Kari, but she’s got my vote because she cares about environmental issues and our natural resource limitations. Our community needs someone in leadership who will help us all to be better stewards of this truly special place we call our home. Let’s work together to keep the San Juan’s special! — Cynthia Brast-Bormann

I have been a part of County, State and local government for over thirty years. I know that it takes a special understanding of government to effectively govern. I believe that Kari will bring that understanding to the job of County Council as well as an understanding of what it means to appreciate living in this special place. I whole heartedly endorse her! Nadine Cook — Nadine Cook

I'm delighted to see Kari's readiness to take on the role of our next San Juan County Councilmember, and I wholeheartedly endorse her candidacy. Kari's professional history showcases her effective management of organizations that are similar in size to our county government, underscoring her aptitude for public service. With her attentive listening skills and dedication to tackling community issues while nurturing a supportive workplace culture, Kari embodies the kind of leadership our county deserves. — Katie Fleming

Kari is exceptionally qualified to be our next San Juan County Councilmember. She possesses a significant professional background having managed similar sized organizations as our county government while also answering to the public.  She is a thoughtful listener who is also willing to do the hard work to ensure our county meets citizens priorities while at the same time being a positive workplace. In short, Kari is not only the exact sort of person you hope will run for office, she is the one that you are genuinely excited to see do so. — Kevin Ranker
Past Executive Director - Friends of the San Juans, Former SJC Council Commissioner, Former WA State Senator

We are proud to express our endorsement of Kari McVeigh for San Juan County Council. We have known Kari to be a hardworking, dedicated problem solver in both her personal and professional life. She has held many positions of significant responsibility prior to coming to the island and has continued that here as Superintendent of the SJI School District and the Shaw Island School District. Kari has proven skills in balancing the budgets of those organizations, working collaboratively with employee groups, and raising the funds necessary to build teacher housing on Shaw. She is a compassionate listener and a committed advocate who goes the extra mile for the important causes. A vote for Kari is a vote for caring, competence and commitment. — Michael & Lauri Sager-Devirian

"Kari McVeigh is the voice we need on the San Juan County Council now." — Ralph & Marcy Hahn

I was so pleased to hear that Kari is running for SJC Council. Her administrative and problem-solving skills are desperately needed to address the issues facing our county. I heartily endorse Kari for our County Council. — Gary Sharp

The best indication of a person’s future performance is their past performance. Kari has considerable proven performance working cooperatively to solve problems. She will be a true asset to the council. — Mike Buettell

Kari has vast experience as a problem solver, mediator, team builder and collaborator. Her background also includes managing significant budgets and making measured and difficult decisions regarding fiscal balance. Her insight and patience enable her to analyze situations and work cooperatively with a team to accomplish the goals of the organization. She will bring all this and more to our County Council. We need Kari to help us move forward with the difficult challenges our county faces. — Sue Buettell

The job of a council member is NOT an easy job. I believe that Kari has the experiential background to accommodate the flood of political, technical, and personal demands that the job will place upon her. — james slocomb

I’m pleased to endorse Kari for county council and believe she has the skills we need to help county government. She is a team builder who supports her staff and knows how to get things done, such as the teacher housing on Shaw Island! — Nancy DeVaux

It is an honor for me to endorse Kari McVeigh for election as a council member of San Juan County, Washington. — David Dehlendorf

I have worked with Kari in social settings and in a non profit setting. I have seen how she interacts with people, how she listens, digests information and responds. She has deep experience, a love of our island way of life, and the kinds of skills that a County Council Member needs. I am pleased to endorse her candidacy and know that, if elected, she will serve our county population well. I look forward to that. — Sarah Crosby

Kari McVeigh cares, and with Kari "cares" is a verb. When Kari is confronted with a situation or problem she ties her thoughts to an action. — Mary Campanella

Kari has exactly what the county needs. She gets along great with people. She’s capable of seeing both sides and then working together.. She’s got tons of experience in administration and she's a really amazing person. We’d be lucky to get her! — Andrea Berlatsky

Kari has impressive qualifications/credentials for this position and her heart is in it for the benefit of community. I wish I had been as well prepared! — Rhea Miller
Former County Commissioner

Kari has deep experience administering large organizations with complex budgets and issues, and our County desperately needs exactly that in our Council right now. Kari pairs local knowledge with strong experience in some tough school districts and knows how to deal with conflicting viewpoints and bring people together. When you combine these with her progressive outlook, it's a winning combination for me in a County Council member. I'm proud to be supporting Kari McVeigh for San Juan County Council! — Mark Madsen

I support Kari McVeigh for the San Juan County Council District 1 position. Kari's experience in organizational leadership, essential for carrying out the important duties and responsibilities of a Council Member, makes her the best candidate to serve our County. — Ronald Zee

Kari will be a wonderful county leader — Susan Dehlendorf

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Committee to Elect Kari McVeigh
PO Box 2441
Friday Harbor, WA 98250
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