Kari Leads! August 6th Primary Results to Date
Friday Harbor - A rare late surge of over 2,600 ballots arrived at the San Juan County Elections office on election night, and after the additional time needed to tabulate results, Kari's lead is holding strong, currently exceeding 50% of the three-person race for County Council, District 1. The election will be certified next Tuesday morning August 20th and final counts will be reported shortly after. Check the San Juan County Primary Election results page for the current ballot count for all SJC elections.
Kari stated, "I am truly humbled and grateful for this amazing show of support for my campaign. The people have spoken and made clear that protecting the environment, working toward real solutions to create permanently affordable housing for both low and middle income citizens, and placing proven experience in county leadership, are all high priorities."
Kari added that her campaign is highly energized and will run full steam ahead until the finish line on November 5th. "We can't let up. We can't take anything for granted. Now more than ever, it's all hands on deck."